Welcome to Walnut Class
Walnut Trees can often be seen as a symbol of intelligence, wisdom, knowledge and inspiration. Some Native-American tribes believed it to be a symbol of clarity and focus.
In Walnut Class we want the children to strive to push themselves to their highest potential, reach their dreams and be an inspiration to others.
Watch this space for any weekly letters, any class updates and photos of the children's work.
06.05.22 Science Exploring Pulleys
08.03.22 Civil War Historian and Re-enactment
18.02.22- Final DT earthquake proof construction task - challenged to add a 'tuned mass damper'
25.01.22- Year 5 trip to the Central Mosque in Worcester
07.01.22- Structures; designing earthquake-proof buildings

RE - Visit from Rev. Mark Badger who came to discuss the differences between a loving & a holy God
PE - Tag Rugby Game
English - Based upon the short film “Soar”
PSHE - Teambuilding exercise - Marshmallow and spaghetti towers

Science - Dissecting flowers