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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!

Learning Journal (Photos!)

Friday 15th October 

Another fun filled week has flown by in Elm Class! This week we have made the most of the good weather by taking our learning outside on multiple occasions. In forest school, the children practised their number bonds to 10 using 10's frames and natural resources like sticks and leaves as counters. We also ventured out on to the field in our geography lesson where the children practised using compasses to direct their friends North, East, South and West.

In English, the children have continued developing their knowledge and understanding of the story Ruby’s Worry. This has included identify the characters thoughts and feelings as well as writing in the past tense, preparing the children to write a diary entry next week. 

In Maths, this week, the children have continued to develop their understanding of number bonds and have been representing them in different ways; in a part whole model, a 10's frame and in number sentences.

The children also completed some awesome Harvest paintings by printing with a variety of fruit and vegetables. 

Friday 24th September

We can not believe it is the end of week 3 already and what an exciting, busy week it has been! 

We began the week with our first trip of the year to forest school which was SO much fun and the children enjoyed applying their maths counting skills when hunting for different natural objects. In our English lessons, we have been learning about adjectives and have written some descriptive pieces about the characters from The Worrysaurus. In Maths, the children have learnt some new symbols - greater than, less than, and equal to. 

We had a very special visitor on Friday, Mr Redfern's sister Becky Redfern came in to tell us all about winning her silver medal in the 2021 Para-olympic Games and present the attendance cups in our assembly. The children were inspired by Becky's achievements and all had a think about what sport they might like to compete in, if they were in the Olympics too!

Friday 17th September


Good afternoon everyone. We have had another fun filled week in Elm Class. This week we have carried on with our focus book The Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright. In English the children have been learning about instructions, both how to follow them and how to write an instructional text.

In Math's we have practiced counting backwards from 20 and have been identifying one more and one less than a given number.

The children have also thoroughly enjoyed their first P.E. lesson of the year. This term we are focusing on Invasion games and this week we learnt how to chest pass a ball. 

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning - in your forest school kits! (See class letter).

10th September 2021


Welcome to Elm Class! 

It has been an absolute pleasure to welcome all of the new Year 1 children into Elm class this week. Miss Taylor and I have been so impressed with how well they have remembered the routines and procedures of school, after a long summer break. 

We have had a fantastic first week getting to know all of the children and exploring our first topic together.

This term our topic is linked to a whole school topic 'Emotional Intelligence' where we will be exploring the different emotions we feel during everyday life and how we can understand and manage them.

We have begun the topic by reading The Dot by Peter Reynolds and The Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright.

Enjoy the selection photos below our first week as Elm Class 2021! 

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