Learning Journey Autumn
Over the last few weeks, the children have been studying the picture book called, 'The Flood.' They practiced creating sentences that used: personification, similes, repetition and a few other key skills. Below are a number of extracts written during their independent write. They combined the taught skills to write their own flood story.
The children have been exploring the local village in our topic: Location, location, location. We saw some great homework from Oak and celebrated all of their hard work.
We investigated which material reflects light the most. The children worked scientifically to classify these objects to sort the materials from most to least reflective.
Skara Brae Holiday Brochures (Writing a persuasive text)
The children have been creating amazing work at home for their topic. This has consolidated their knowledge of The Stone Age.
To work scientifically this week we explored the various types of soil and their properties. We identified and observed which properties we could see in our school.
This week we researched Skara Brae to compile information for our persuasive texts in English. In PE, we complied our learning in Netball in a fun session where the children showed their progression of skills from the beginning of term.
We have used the story Stone Age Boy as a stimulus to write our own narratives called, Down, Down, Down. Over the last few weeks we have practiced using: noun phrases, commas in lists, repetition and time adverbials. We also started looking at the conventions of speech marks.
This week we used the forest school area to replicate the process of making sedimentary rock. We observed our jars to see if we could see sedimentation happening.