A day in the life...
A day in the life of Chestnut Class
Each day is a little bit different and this is what makes it so fun!
In a typical day, the children in Chestnut and Ash classes spend short periods of time together on the carpet to share a story or learn lots of different things. While on the carpet, we might talk about stories, learn some sounds in Phonics, discuss children's experiences or interests, learn how to paint new things or practise counting and use numbers- the list could go on and on! Also, we sing songs to help develop children's memories and, perhaps most importantly of all, learn how we are all special and how to treat one another.
We are very much led by the children and as such, our topics mould to the children's interests. We will find out what the children are interested in and use that to help us plan for the different topics. For example - if the children are interested in teachers or police- we may do 'People who help us' as a topic. If children are playing with the dinosaurs or pretending to be an astronaut or a superhero then we may learn about space, dinosaur or superheroes! The children will learn more effectively if they are genuinely interested in the topic!
When the children are not engaged in shared learning activities, they are free to explore the activities we have prepared for them, both inside and outside as well as create their own games with any of the equipment we have, giving the children a chance to learn through their play- whether that is a social skill (such as turn taking or using good manners) or a curricular area (such as using phonics to label something they have created in the construction area). Whilst the children are busy exploring, the adults support their learning by doing activities with them and talking about their games.
A typical timetable of sessions:
This timetable will adapt as the children progress through their school year becoming more challenging as the children become more able.
8.45-8.55 - Children arrive at school, settle down and do a short morning activity such as writing their name or practising their phonics sounds.
8.55-9.00- Welcome and register
9.00-9.10- Active 10 - A short session outside with the whole school, being "active" in some way - throwing a bean bag, skipping, catching a ball etc.
9.20-9.40- Phonics session
9.40 - 10.20 English Focus session - Short time on the carpet talking through the day's learning followed by small focus groups and "choosing time" in the classroom provision.
10.20-10.30 - Snack time
10.30 -10.50- Breaktime on the main playground with KS1
10.50-11.45- Learning through play- Teachers will put out enhancements to peak the children's interests. Children will continue working in focus groups.
11.45-12.45- Getting ready for lunch and lunch, followed by playtime outside.
12.45-1.50- Maths Focus session and learning through play
1.50-2.10- Afternoon play
2.10- 3.10- Learning through play and finishing focus activities. Songs and dancing in carpet time
3.00-3.20- story time and home time.
Phonics - Learning our letters and sounds
We also have a taught phonics session each day following the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds scheme. The children will learn new sounds or practise how to blend sounds together to help their reading, and how to segment the sounds in words to help children to write. They will also complete three group reading sessions each week focusing on fluency, prosody and comprehension. Once the children have begun to grasp these new sounds, we will send home weekly e-books which they have been reading in their group sessions so they can show off their new sounds to you at home; the challenge level will increase throughout the year to match the new sounds that your child can read. We will also send home a weekly "sharing book" to read together with your child.