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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!

Values and Ethos

Kempsey Primary is a caring school where all children are warmly and inclusively received and where they are encouraged to aspire to do their best, to fulfill their potential and to engage with all the opportunities the school has to offer.


Our school community is a special place where each and every skate-holder, from the staff and parents to the children themselves, is valued for the contribution they make to the unique place that Kempsey is.


We believe that every child should be challenged to do their best and that effort, thought, respect and tolerance should be valued over outcome. We believe learning flourished in an atmosphere where a high value is placed on praise, encouragement, courtesy and consideration for others.


Our core values. along with a review of our curriculum, are currently under review so please do watch this space....

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