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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!


Chestnut Class




Chestnut Class is made up of Reception children who are starting their learning journey with us at Kempsey Primary School. We explore a wide range of challenges and grow and change so much during our time in Chestnut Class.


Miss Davis is the teacher of Chestnut Class and Miss Dawson is the teaching assistant.


Below you will find links to our weekly class letter and information about what we are doing in school. 

For further updates about what we are getting up to in Chestnut class please click on the icons above!


KPS Colour Run 07.07.22

Happy Easter, Love from Chestnut Class

Autism Awareness 2022

Science Week 2022

World Book Day 2022

Week Beginning 18.10.21

We have completed a total of 7 weeks at school!

We are super proud of all the children.


This week we have been using pumpkins to aid our learning. The children have been weighing pumpkins, counting pumpkin seeds, writing about pumpkins and selling and purchasing pumpkins in our class shop. It has been pumpkin 🎃 crazy in Chestnut class. 

We hope that everyone has a fantastic half term break. 


Week Beginning 11.10.21

This week we have begun our topic about Autumn. We have written factually about our class trees, ordered numbers, added two numbers together and measured the length of leaves! 

We will be concentrating on pumpkins next week (the children are super excited). Next week the children will be creating repeating patterns with pumpkins, ordering pumpkins according to size, designing pumpkins, printing with pumpkins and much more! 



Week Beginning 04.10.21

We have had a very busy week in Chestnut! This has been our last week of our topic about emotions and feelings. We made salt-dough worry monsters, weighed objects, made faces using fruit, designed and created worry catchers. 

In English we have been writing about things that make us feel happy and sad. 
In phonics we identified the phonemes i, n, m and d.

We hope that everyone has a restful weekend,


Miss Davis and Mrs Hart



Week Beginning 27.09.21

We have been counting, ordering numbers, creating worry monsters and having lots fun!


This week in phonics we have been focusing on S A T P. The children have thoroughly enjoyed forming these letters in flour, glitter and the air (using our magic fingers). 

It has been a fantastic week!



Week Beginning 20.09.21

On Friday Chestnut class were very excited to meet Becky Redfern (Mr Redfern’s sister)! Becky is a Paralympic swimmer who won a silver medal at the Tokyo Paralympic Games! The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit. Becky brought three of her international medals for the children to see, touch and for some, hold! The children were especially excited to shake the medals because some medals have steel balls inside to indicate with a distinct sound whether the medal is bronze(the quietest), silver or gold. 
Thank you very much Becky for visiting us!


This week in Chestnut we have been exploring how emotions are expressed through facial expressions and body language. I am sure you will enjoy the selection of selfies attached below, we certainly have! 


Mrs Hart and I are really looking forward to next week when we will beginning phonics, literacy and mathematics sessions. 

Week Beginning 13.09.21

We have had a great second week in Chestnut Class! Mrs Hart and I have been really impressed with how well the children are settling into school life here at Kempsey Primary School. This week we have begun PE and computing lessons. Children have really enjoyed using the school iPads to draw pictures of their family. 
Next week we will be exploring emotions, feelings and self-regulation. 



Week Beginning 06.09.21

Welcome to Chestnut Class!

We have had a lovely first week together in Chesnut Class. There has been lots of excitement, playing, sharing, dancing and reading. 


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