Welcome to Elm Class
Elm is a Year 1 class taught by Miss Simpkin, Mrs Scott and Mrs Smith. Here you will find weekly updates of what we get up to in class, including pictures!
You can also access the weekly class letters by clicking the link above.
Friday 20th January 2023
LO: To explore the technique of mixing colour and creating patterns
For Art, the children looked at the artist Henri-Edmond Cross. They learnt a bit about his life, for example that he was born in France. The children then used cotton buds to mix colours, and used the pointillist technique to recreate a painting of his. Have a look at the pictures below:
Friday 13th January 2023
LO: To set a goal and work out how to achieve it
During our PSHE this week, the children were thinking about setting goals, and the steps to success. We tasked the children with setting out the steps to make their own snack today. They thought really carefully about the different steps needed to make a piece of toast. They certainly had lots of fun! Have a look at some pictures below:
Friday 16th December 2022
We want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Thank you for all of your support this year, we will see you on Wednesday 4th January 2022.
Thursday 24th November 2022
LO: To write a diary entry
The last few weeks, the children have been planning, drafting and editing their diary entries from their journeys around the world. This week, they have finished writing these. We are so proud of how well they have done with this! They showed fantastic resilience and determination when completing their final piece of work. Have a look at some pictures below:
Tuesday 15th November 2022
Quidditch Experience Day
As you may have heard from your children, we had some very magical visitors come to school this week. Each class participated in some Quidditch workshops where the children were sorted into houses, and learnt how to play some Quidditch (inspired by Harry Potter).
The winners of both KS1 and KS2 were both Gryffindor!
There were also individual awards for players who particularly stood out!
Well done to everyone involved, and I know for a fact that the children loved it (almost as much as the staff)!
See some pictures below:
Wednesday 2nd November 2022
LO: To identify similarities between people in my class
This week in PSHE, we have started our new unit, 'Celebrating Difference'. We focused this week, on thinking about things that are similar or the same between us. The children thought of some really fantastic ideas, and used these to create t-shirts for their own gingerbread men. We have stuck these on a display outside the classroom for everyone to see. Each week, we will add a new item of clothing to our gingerbread men!
Friday 7th October 2022
This week we have been doing lots of fun activities. One of those activities involved thinking about Dyslexia Awareness day which we looked at on Thursday. The children learnt about what it is like to live with dyslexia, and how these children learn differently. They were then tasked with creating a poster to raise awareness for Dyslexia. The children showed great maturity when talking about this, we had some really good conversations around it! We were very proud of them.

Wednesday 28th September 2022
Todays activities included book buddies with Year 5! The children pair up with an older child where they then share a book with each other. Have a look at some pictures here.
We have also used flour for some tricky word practice, the children did really well and loved playing and writing with it!

Tuesday 27th September 2022
Welcome to Elm Class. I’ll put updates on here every now and then of things we’ve been up to, with some pictures attached.
Here’s some pictures of what we got up to last week. I hope you enjoy looking at them.
I’m really looking forward to a wonderful year with all of the children.