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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!

Autumn Term

Week 11: 22.11.21 - 26.11.21


Although it has only been a 4 day week, the children have worked exceptionally hard in both their writing and their phonics. The independent writing they have produced is amazing and has made us all really proud. 

As a 'well done', we have started our Christmas decorations in the classroom as we aim to win the PTFA competition (Best Christmas Classroom)!!! Check out how our room develops over the next week and see what you think! 


Week 10: 15.11.21 - 19.11.21


What an incredibly busy week! We have created some stunning artwork based on our writing and then used powerful adjectives to describe the scene. We have also studied the world using an atlas, you can see the concentration on our faces! 


Week 9: 8.11.21 - 12.11.21


Another week has passed and we are one week closer to the 'big C' (not allowed to say the word just yet!). The children have been excellent; hard-working and focused whilst still having plenty of fun and enjoyment. We have even learnt a new celebration this week...ask your child about the 'Seal of Approval'!!! 

Week 8: 1.11.21 - 5.11.21


It has been lovely having the children back in school and seeing their positive approaches to their learning. I have been really impressed with how they have settled in and it feels like we haven't been away! 
Our PE topic this half term is yoga. The children thoroughly enjoyed working with Miss Thomas who showed them several new yoga poses. They even enjoyed creating their own poses! Check out some pictures below. 

Week 7: 18.10.21 - 22.10.21


This week has been a slightly more relaxed affair as we near the end of the half term. The children have still worked exceptionally hard when asked and have produced some excellent writing of their non-fiction recount. First, they learnt the features of a non-fiction text, considered what sentences they could include and then combined them in their Independent Write. We were really impressed by the quality of their writing and shows the progress they have made since starting Year 2! 

Have a fabulous half term, see you all when we return (MONDAY 1st NOVEMBER!!!).


Week 6: 11.10.21 - 15.10.21


Beech class have had another brilliant week, full of hard work and fun! We have started our non-fiction recount writing, been using columns to solve tricky maths calculations and continued our throwing and catching skills in PE. We have been learning a song in our Jigsaw PSHE lessons, Together as One. We have learnt it off by heart so ask us to sing it to you at home! 



Week 5: 4.10.21 - 8.10.21


The end of another week saw us go on an exciting walk around Kempsey, visiting the ford, the Rocky and the church. Take a look at some pictures below! This trip will be the main focus of the non-fiction text we will be writing for the two weeks before half term.

The children have been 'Awesome Authors' this week and have written their own versions of Izzy Gizmo. Everyone has worked brilliantly to practise their sentences over the last few weeks and the end results have been spectacular! 

Week 4: 27.9.21 - 1.10.21


We have had another marvellous week with lots of entertainment and fun (mixed in with some hard work!). The children have been ace and are fully settled into Beech class and life in Year 2. There was plenty of excitement after school on Friday about our Art Gallery, where we had been learning about Cubism and Pablo Picasso. We also had a great time at Forest School (see some pictures below!). I wonder what next week will bring...!


Week 3: 20.9.21 - 24.9.21


On Friday, we were fortunate enough to be visited by Becky Redfern (Mr Redfern's sister)!! Becky is a Paralympic swimmer who won a silver medal at the Tokyo Paralympic Games. She bought a few of her international medals to show us and answered all of our questions. We loved seeing her in our classroom and we felt very lucky to meet her. A few of us were so excited to be able to hold the medal and have our picture taken with Becky, it is definitely a memory that will stay with us for a long time! Becky was inspirational and motivational and reminded us not to give up when things seem a bit tricky. We hope that one day we will be successful like Becky! Check out a few pictures below!

Week 2: 13.9.21 - 17.9.21


Check out some of our awesome inventions! We thoroughly enjoyed being like Izzy Gizmo and loved evaluating each others work. Despite finding some bits a bit tricky, we persevered and tried our best! We showed confidence, independence and resilience to finish our own inventions. Please ask us lots of questions about what we have done, we've worked very hard to complete them! 

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