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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!


End points



Experiment, invent and create their own work using a variety of materials and tools. 

Develop a range of art skills and techniques. 

Know about, evaluate and take inspiration from artists





At Kempsey Primary School we strive to facilitate a journey of Art which will inspire and develop key art techniques. We will encourage children to spend time exploring questions and techniques this subject provides the vehicle to do so. Through the planned curriculum, using access art as a signpost for artists, the children experience a wide range of artists to challenge the stereotypical view of this. As children progress through the year groups they will study art through developing a greater opinion of the art they are exposed to an increase creative ways to investigate and record this with a focus on sketchbooks.



A clear cycle of learning occurs across Kempsey through 5 themes: Drawing and sketchbooks; print colour and collage; working in three dimensions; paint, surface and texture and collaboration and community. “Children are introduced to a diverse array of artists, architects, craftspeople and designers, both historical and contemporary who use drawing in many different ways, on many different scales and for many different purposes.  Children are encouraged right from the start to articulate their understanding and experience, and they are enabled to see differences in opinion as being valid and pertinent. Conversation takes place alongside making, in pairs, in groups, in classes. Sketchbooks are used to facilitate explorations further.”(Access Art)


Through the use of sketchbooks, the journey of exploring with different key techniques is encouraged and captured. Through each unit, the children will grow in ability and confidence to analyse and evaluate art through, artist studies, annotations in sketchbooks and discussions. As we recognise this is not a linear subject, project overviews show the intended journey through key questions. Sketchbooks then record experiences, artists and techniques that have inspired and been studied.



Children are encouraged to view themselves as artists through the emphasis placed on the journey in art rather than the end product. Children have a passion for exploration for a wide range of art as they will have experienced and studied a wide variety of work. Through this study they will have had the opportunity to gain experience and knowledge of techniques to invent and create their own work independently and collaboratively. Most importantly children find joy and an outlet of self-expression with skills that are transcendent through their learning journey. 



Through a diverse range of artists studied, children will gain knowledge and appreciation of a wide selection of artists. Exposing the children to artists work around them, within the school and local community, will extend their perception beyond global artists. The school celebrates the children's art work to provide an opportunity for our local community to engage with.  

Art whole school overview

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