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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!


Working scientifically to compare if taller people can jump further (25/5/23)

Computing - producing our ‘create your own adventure’ stories (20/3/23)

Music - orchestrating variations of Twinkle Twinkle (15/3/23)

Art - pointillism paintings inspired by Georges Seurat (7/3/23)

World Book Day 2023 (2/3/23)

Today we celebrated World Book Day with our book buddies in Ash class. Together we shared stories, designed book covers, decorated bookmarks and collaged two huge tigers, based on the story 'The Tiger That Came For Tea'.

See photos from our day below...

Art - applying watercolour painting techniques (17/2/23)

Science - exploring evidence for evolution using fossils (10/2/23)

Internet Safety week (6th - 10th February)

This week is Internet Safety week. The theme this year is 'what to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life offline'. To celebrate Internet Safety week, our computing lesson was designated to discussing our internet use and ranking different elements of our digital footprint and online useage. We discussed how different things that we experience online can make us feel, the physical responses that our bodies can have and finally how to overcome any negative responses. 



Art - refining our watercolour painting technique (3/2/23)

French - today we received letters from our penpals! (24/1/23)

Art - developing watercolour painting skills (20/1/23)

PE - catching and throwing with pace in dodgeball (18/1/23)

Computing - planning our blogs (16/1/23)

Science - Why do animals of the same species have different characteristics? (12/1/22)

Science - exploring circuits and representing them using scientific diagrams (1/11/22)

Science - constructing a simple circuit (24/11/22)

History - using primary and secondary sources to research key events of WW2 (17/11/22)

Year six residential day three (and extra photos!)

Year 6 trip to Tudor House Museum (1/11/22)

As part of our World War Two topic launch, year six enjoyed a trip to Tudor House Museum, in Worcester. At the museum, the children participated in workshops about rationing and 'make do and mend', as well as listening to a talk by Alec, who was an evacuee during the war. We learnt so much from our trip and are excited to continue our learning at school!

Images from our trip are below:

Mayan masks project (w/c 10th and 17th October)

Over the last two weeks, Year 6 have been working on their Mayan masks project. We started by researching different types of masks, learning about their different materials, uses and who would wear them. Following this, we designed our own masks and then started the process of creating them out of modroc. The final step, was to paint our designs, using acrylic paints and applying our knowledge of the colour wheel and mixing paints to achieve different shades. We also linked our project to our English lessons, by drafting an instruction text to explain how to create a Mayan mask.

See photos of our work below...

Exploring prime numbers in Maths (10/10/22)

Dyslexia Awareness Week

This week (3rd - 7th October) is Dyslexia Awareness Week.

In class, we have engaged in a number of activities to raise our awareness of, and develop empathy for, people with dyslexia. These activities included an assembly, a dyslexia simulation video and a writing challenge to experience what it can be like to have dyslexia.

In Computing this week, we have been planning our coding games (3/10/22)

Presenting data in Science (29/9/22)

Lacrosse skills (PE 23/9/22)

Today we started learning about the circulatory system in Science (15/9/22)

Welcome to Redwood Class!


Redwood Class is taught by Miss Underwood, Mrs Bennett and Mrs Guyatt.

Check back regularly to see what we get up to! 

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