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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!


Welcome to Hazelnut

Hazelnut is a Year 2 class taught by Miss Simpkin, Mrs James and Mrs Scott. On this webpage you will find weekly letters, as well as pictures of things that we have been getting up to in class. Check back here regularly for updates!

Our trip to West Midlands Safari Park- 19/05/2022

On Thursday, the children had a fantastic trip to West Midlands Safari Park. We started the day with the tour of the safari, and saw lots of animals including giraffe, elephants, cheetah, tigers and lions! After some lunch, we split into groups and went for a wander around the park. We managed to visit all of the attractions, apart from the bat cave, as Miss Simpkin was too scared to go in! 

Have a look at some of the pictures below:

Food tasting, and a science experiment- 25/03/2022


This week, the children have been really busy tasting a variety of food for our DT topic of healthy eating. They sampled, cucumber, melon, red pepper, mango, pickled onions and strawberries. There was definitely a mixed reaction to some of these, especially the pickled onions! We were also busy this week conducting a Science experiment all about brushing our teeth. The children cleaned their teeth and then chewed a tablet to see how well they had done! Have a look at some of the pictures below.

Becoming a Nightingale Nurse!- 10/02/2022

This week, the children have really enjoyed discovering more about Florence Nightingale. Miss Fitzer gave the children chance to discover what it would have been like to be a Nightingale Nurse. Around the classroom, there were a number of stations with different activities on them. These were: 

  1. Taking our heart rates and checking our oxygen percentages.
  2. Discovering some of the tools used by doctors including stethoscopes!
  3. Having a look at some different x-rays.
  4. Bandaging
  5. Basic dentistry skills
  6. Basic optician skills

The children absolutely loved doing this, have a look at some of the pictures of the different stations below.

Ready, set grow!

Our Science topic this term has been Plants. We have enjoyed looking at lots of different things such as seed dispersal, types of seeds, how plants grow and what they need to grow. We have also had a go at planting some bean seeds using the Hydroponic method, and some cress seeds. Some have been more successful than others! Have a look at the pictures below. 

A step back in time-21/01/2022

This week, we have been really busy stepping back in time and putting ourselves into different characters from Florence Nightingale’s time. We have used drama and hot seating to represent and think about how Florence Nightingale would have felt, how the angry doctor would have reacted seeing Florence on his ward and how injured soldiers might have felt before and after being looked after by Florence. Have a look at some of our pictures below!

Sleeping Beauty- 14/01/2022


This week, we were very lucky to watch a fantastic panto, kindly organised by the PTFA. The children absolutely loved watching it and got involved with the show! Have a look at some of the pictures from the performance below: 



A huge welcome back to all children and parents. The children have settled extremely well this week into their learning and have shown great enthusiasm. We have been busy getting started with our new topic, Florence Nightingale. Have a look at the video below to learn a little more about her. 

Short stories Florence Nightingale

Phonics- 05/11/2021


This week in Phonics, we have been preparing for our upcoming screening test. The children have really enjoyed recapping on some of the different sounds that they have already learnt and have enjoyed playing a variety of different games, and completing some different activities. Have a look at some pictures below of some of the games that we have played.

Our Local Walk- 08/10/2021


For our writing stimulus for the next unit of work we decided to go on a local walk around Kempsey. We started at school and then went on to the rocky. After the rocky, we had a walk through the church grounds before returning to school. The children had a fantastic time and were great ambassadors for the school. Have a look at some of the pictures below: 


Forest School- 01/10/21

The children had lots of fun with their adventures in Forest School this week. Have a look at some of the pictures below of what we got up to. 

A Special Visitor!- 24/09/2021

Today, we were lucky to receive a visit from Becky Redfern. Becky is a Paralympic swimmer who won a silver medal at the Tokyo Paralympic Games! She answered all of our questions about her swimming, her training and her racing. We even found out that her favourite animal is a dog! Becky bought three of her international medals to show us and some of us were fortunate enough to hold them. We felt inspired and motivated and hope that one day we might be as successful as Becky! 


DT Project- 17.09.2021


This week in DT we have been using our 'junk' to make some very creative inventions, just like in the book Izzy Gizmo! 

Have a look at some of the pictures below of what we got up to:

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