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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!


Welcome to Maple Class' Page


The maple tree is a beautiful tree and symbolizes a promise of balance, love, longevity and abundance. It also speaks of success, generosity, offering and practicality.

In Maple Class, we will strive to embed curiosity, ambition, respect, resilience, empathy and confidence. These are our six character traits that every class will be delivering over the course of the year to help children become their best possible selves.

Mrs Judd and I are excited to see the children grow into inquisitive, curious young people with a thirst for learning!

DT - LO: to test different materials

Friday 17th March 2023

We have been exploring what an aqueduct is and what it was used for by the Romans. Today, we have been testing materials to see which ones will be most appropriate and effective when we make our own aqueducts over the next couple of weeks!


As a year group, we discussed what materials may or may not work then we tested them out with water and a pipette. Watch this space to see what we found out!

Science - LQ: what is an electrical circuit?

23rd January 2023

We have been exploring electricity so far this half term and today we have moved on to looking at what an electric circuit is comprised of. The children made predictions about ten different circuits, using their prior knowledge of what a circuit needs then created each circuit to prove their predictions. To complete the circuits, they we used batteries, crocodile clips, wires, bulbs, buzzers and motors.

Maths - LO: to identify factor pairs

5th January 2023

In Maths, we have continued to develop our understanding of multiplication and division by identifying factor pairs. The children used counters to help them identify how factor pairs are made.

A visit from Father Christmas and his reindeer!

Wednesday 14th December 2022

We were so excited to have a visit from Father Christmas and two of his beautiful reindeer, Kevin and Dorris!


The children had the opportunity to stroke the reindeer and ask the two handlers questions then had a chat with Father Christmas!

Thank you to the PTFA for writing a letter to The North Pole asking Father Christmas to visit us. What a treat!

Kempsey Cafe - Friday 11th November 2022

We are excited to announce that Maple and Oak Classes will be hosting the first Kempsey Cafe since 2020!

Please find the link below which takes you to the letter with information about our Remembrance Day Kempsey Cafe which will be held on Friday 11th November 2022 from 9.45am-11.15am.

A 2 minutes silence will be observed at 11am.


If you know of any of our older generation who would enjoy coming to our cafe, please let us know so we can send them an invite which the children have already made! We would also welcome any cakes, brownies, cookies (or anything in between) to be baked and dropped off in Maple Class on the morning of Friday 11th November 2022.


Please can we remind parents/carers that we can't accept any baked goods with nuts, seeds, pineapple or blueberries in due to allergies. There are some visitors who are gluten and/or dairy free so some goodies which cater for these requirements would be amazing!

Our Boudicca Biographies

Friday 21st October 2022

Today, the children wrote up their Boudicca biographies in a new way! Instead of writing on blush paper, we opened up to the next double page and wrote up our biographies, added illustrations and colour. We think they look fantastic!

Harvest Festival

It is coming up to harvest and we are asking for donations to our food bank ready for the winter.


If you have any of the below that you would like to donate, please can you send them in with your child on Friday 21st October. Thank you 😀


* Tinned food
* Cereal
* Packet sweets
* Crisps
* Long life milk
* Canned drinks
* Pasta
* Rice
* Lentils, beans etc.

David Cadle is Back!

17th October 2022

David Cadle, The History Man, is back with our Year 4’s today to conclude our ‘Romans in Britain’ topic. Keep an eye on Class Dojo and here for what we get up to!

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