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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!


Welcome to Redwood Class 2021!

Check back for updates on what we get up to...

White Rose Maths bakery project (7/6/22)

The circus came to Kempsey (25/5/22)

Exploring the mean in Maths (24/5/22)

Computing - planning a text adventure (18/5/22)

Art during SATS week (11/5/22)

Computing - creating quizzes in PowerPoint by inserting hyperlinks (9/5/22)

Cricket taster session (28/4/22)

Ratio and fractions in Maths (28/4/22)

Exploring 3D nets in Maths (27/4/22)

Autism Awareness day (31/3/22)

Smashing stereotypes for Science Week, in PSHE (17/3/22)

Handspan investigation in Science (16/3/22)

Science Week 2022 - we had a visit from Mrs Togneri, a geneticist, who spoke to us about DNA and genetics (15/3/22)

Creating our own blogs using Purple Mash (7/3/22)

Shrove Tuesday in Y6

Poetry in English (1/3/22)

Exploring the origin of life (Topic 10/2/22)

PSHE - recognising contributions and achievements (10/2/22)

Typing up our Darwin biographies (28/1/22)

Note taking and analysing texts in preparation for biography writing (W/c 24th January)

Exploring inheritance by looking into our own characteristics (21/1/22)

Gymnastics - flight lesson two (18/1/22)

Understanding thousandths in maths (13/1/22)

Battle of the beaks STEM challenge (Darwin’s finches) (13/1/22)

Exploring evidence for adaptation (7/1/22)

Christmas dinner (15/12/21)

Non-chronological reports on WW2 (12/12/21)

Drafting replies to our French pen pals (9/12/21)

Watercolour art of the Blitz (8/12/21)

Planning and conducting a scientific enquiry into wire length (3.12.21)

This half term we are doing dodgeball in PE (15/11/21)

Applying knowledge of digital footprints to a recruitment task (15/11/21)

Working scientifically, exploring circuits (5/11/21)

WW2 Topic Launch (creating circuits, cracking codes using morse code and researching key word definitions) 2/11/21

Learning how to introduce ourselves in French (21/10/21)

Creating our designs on our Mayan masks (12/10/21)

Exploring cube numbers in Maths (11/10/21)

Today we started creating our modroc Mayan masks (8/10/21)

Topic - researching Mayan masks and designing our own to create out of modroc (6/10/21)

French - speaking about what we like to do in our spare time (30/9/21)

Researching Ancient Mayan architecture (29/9/21)

International Sign Languages Day (23/9/21) 

Today is international sign languages day and to celebrate it, Miss Wilkins has taught us how to sign the alphabet and our names, as well as to play signing hangman and Chinese whispers.



Programming our own games in Computing (20/9/21)

Learning about the circulatory system (Science 17/9/21)

Swimming lessons started today! (17/9/21)

PE lacrosse skills (Tuesday 7th September)

STEM challenge (Monday 6th September)

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