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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!

Oliver's Vegetables Summer 1



Today the children have really enjoyed working in the Garden Centre 🌸 



The children are loving the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ and all the fun that comes with this story!

The pictures below only show some of the fantastic learning experiences children have been able to explore in class. 

We have been lucky enough to get our hands on fresh rhubarb from an allotment, the children were amazed at the size of the leaves. 

We have been counting, printing, song writing, performing, creating freeze frames, acting out the story, adding and much more. 

Next week our vegetable is… 🥬 

Check back for more updates soon!



It has been another exciting week in Chestnut Class!



Although it is only a 4 day week we are determined to fit in lots of exciting learning opportunities!

On Tuesday we shared the story, 'Oliver’s Vegetables'. The first vegetable Oliver picks is a carrot! This week we will be exploring all things to do with… CARROTS 🥕 


The children have been painting repeated patterns with CARROTS, drawing CARROTS, making new words using the phonemes in the word CARROT, measuring, weighing and counting CARROTS. 


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