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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!

Signs of Spring - Spring 2

Signs of Spring


Week beginning 27th February 2023:



This week we began our new topic Signs of Spring. We read the story ‘When will it be Spring?’ and looked at some beautiful photocards of signs of spring and then tried to spot some of them in Forest School. We found shoots, buds, daffodils and crocus. We are looking forward to observing the changes over the next few weeks.

In maths this week, we have been looking in detail at the number 9, where it sits on a number line, the composition of the number and how to write it. Next week we will be looking at the number 10 in more detail, particularly thinking about number bonds.

In the first half of the week, the children had sessions with iSingPop! We will be recording their singing for you all to see on Tapestry next week.

On Thursday, it was World Book Day. The children had a wonderful time coming to school in their pyjamas. They spent the morning with their book buddies which was great fun. We have read lots of their favourite bedtime stories too.



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