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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!


Welcome to Sycamore Class!




The Sycamore tree is a symbol of strength, protection, clarity and reliability. In Sycamore class we are proud to provide a safe learning environment where we can all learn and prosper. We learn together, change and grow together. On our class page, you will find a range of images and work that celebrate our time in class.


To recognise symbols and keys

13/05/22 Explore levers, loads and fulcrums

06.05.22 Science- exploring pulleys

End of term fun with some Pop Art

06.04.22- trip the Commandery to learn about Worcester and the Civil War

Some impressive skipping!

Still image for this video

10.03.22 Collecting and interpreting data

04.02.22 World Book Day

18.02.22- Final DT earthquake proof construction task - challenged to add a 'tuned mass damper'

Secret challenge!

11.02.22 DT Isolation system in action

Still image for this video

11.02.22- DT Earthquake resistant structures with isolation systems

25/01/22 Year 5 trip to the Central Mosque on Worcester

21/01/2022- The Hunga Tonga Volcanic Eruption

To name places in a town.

Active 10 fun!

14.01.22 DT Structures- skills lesson using art straws

07/01/22- Structures; designing earthquake-proof buildings

Santa Claus is coming to town!

LO: To deepen our understanding of dissolving and recognise a reversible change. 30.11.21

Exploring Diwali. 4.11.21

LO: to make accurate measurements and record data. 2.11.21

RE - A Visit from Rev. badger who came to discuss the differences between a loving and a holy God

Team building with spaghetti and marshmallows!

Exploring character

Team building in Jigsaw

Dissecting lilies in Science and sketching our findings.

30/09/21- Mixed Media/ D& T

What would a cathedral look like and why? Exploring how Christians relate to their god...

The Chimp Paradox Summary - Steve Peters (Animated Book Review)

We have been doing lots of work with the children on who they are and how they relate to their own sense of well-being. This is a short video introducing a book by Dr Steve Peters called 'The Chimp Paradox'. The book is available as a children's version and a great way of explaining why we all have period of anxiety and worry and how we can respond differently to this.

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