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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!

Learning Journey Autumn

Week Beginning 13th December 2021

A huge thank you to the PTFA who have organised some amazing things for the children this week.  The highlight was meeting Santa and his reindeers. Have a very merry Christmas.

Week Beginning 6th December

With the class being down on numbers for the last few weeks, here are a few things that have been taking place. The first and most important thing was Christmas Jumper Day on Friday. 

Which material will make the best shadow?

The children sorted objects into opaque, translucent and transparent.  From there we looked at the concept of shadows.  The children investigated which material created the best shadow. 

Week Beginning 22nd November 

This week there are pictures of the children taking part in their PE lesson.  The focus was to transfer their balances onto the apparatus.  We had talked about the skills needed to make an effective balance and we explored the different shapes thinking about points and patches. 

Week Beginning 15th November

The children have worked hard writing their own versions of chapter six from Stig of the Dump. Part of the focus was on learning about inverted commas and developing the skills to describe a character.  Hopefully you can spot both these things in the writing below (Apologies that they are at an angle- hopefully you can rotate them!)

Week Beginning 8th November

During the afternoon the children showed each other what they had completed for their topic homework. Following this they shared their favourite activity that they had done with the whole class. As you can see from the pictures and uploaded presentations, there was a wide variety completed. 

Topic Homework: The Stone Age

Week Beginning 1st November: Investigating Soil (make systematic and careful observations)

We took 3 different soil samples from around school and carried out two different investigations.  For the first, we mixed the soil and water and let it rest.  We then looked at the different layers and what they were made up of.  Secondly, we used some of our senses to investigate the soil: see, touch and hear.  The children recorded their observations and then tried to work out which type of soil it was based on some information. 

Cave Paintings

Week beginning 18th October: Our live lesson with Steve Backshall!!

The children enjoyed a live lesson with the host Steve Backshall. They had to solve three puzzles all around the theme of fossils. This tied in brilliantly with our science topic, Rocks and Soil. The lesson looked at: Mary Anning, the different types of fossil, as well as discussing evolution. 

Week Beginning 18th October 

The children learnt about the Stone Age settlement discovered on Skara Brae.  They researched information, located places on a map, rehearsed their sentences and wrote a paragraph. This was all then presented on a poster. 

Week Beginning 11th October

This week you will see photos of the children's work in geography and art.  In geography we explored the different types of modern settlements and created these using lego.  Unfortunately the 'city' group had probably too much to do!

In art, we went into forest school to create our own Andy Goldsworthy inspired art.  We talked about pattern and the use of layers.  

Modern Day Settlements

Andy Goldsworthy Inspired Art

Week Beginning 4th October

Below you will see some of the children's writing worked on during the last week. We created a setting description about Stig's cave which Barney had tumbled into.  We looked at the following techniques:

  • adjectives- expanded noun phrase
  • prepositional openers
  • similes

Our Andy Goldsworthy Sketches (Art session 1)

Week Beginning 27th September

Here are some photos from our coding sessions.  So far the children have learnt how to create a flow diagram which allows characters to move and make a sound.  They can change the scale of the characters too. This week we explored the use of timers within a programme. 


Our special visitor...

Week Beginning 20th September

The two time paralympic medalist Becky Redfern came into school this week to help during our celebration assembly.  She talked about the paralympics and how hard it has been to achieve her goals.  The children loved listening to her and were even more excited when she visited the classrooms showing them her two silver medals. 

Launching our new topic, The Stone Age

Sometimes I Feel by Sarah Haycock

Above are some pages scanned from the book Sometimes I Feel written by Sarah Haycock.  We used this book as our first topic.  It gave us the opportunity to discuss our feelings and emotions at the start of the school year. It will provide a useful reference point in the future in case we have days when we just don't feel quite right.

Week Beginning September 13th

The children wrote their own pages using the same style as the author.  Click on the images below to read their work. 

Sometimes I Feel By Mulberry Class

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