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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!

Dinosaurs Autumn 2



This week we have we continued with our dinosaur theme. We have sorted dinosaurs from farm animals, have found the answers to simple number sentences and have practised our cutting skills by following dotted lines to take us to the dinosaur. We also matched the shadow to the dinosaur and the numbers to the amounts on the dinosaur eggs.


This week we have be counting dinosaurs, investigating the properties of ice, playing in our dinosaur museum and writing simple sentences. Tuesday was also kindness day and we have thought this week about the way we speak to our friends and things we could do to help others.



The children have continued to enjoy their topic about dinosaurs. This week we have found out some interesting facts about individual dinosaurs and written them in our books. We have also compared the weights of the dinosaurs and explored the vocabulary of heavier and lighter. We have also matched the pattern on dinosaurs to their eggs.

On Thursday we joined in with the rest of the school for the 2 minutes silence and thought about how lucky we are to live in a safe country with adults who love and care for us.



This week we started our topic about 'Dinosaurs'. Everyone was very excited when Danny the dinosaur left footprints around the outdoor area after treading in the flour! We hope Danny visits again another day.

This week we have measured footprints, placed footprints in number order, sorted and ordered dinosaur bones according to their length and discussed some relevant vocabulary to go with them. We have also written information about what we have found out about Danny and new words we have been learning to do with our topic.

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