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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!


Welcome to Cedar Class!

Please see below what we have been getting up to in class. If you have any questions or would like a chat about anything, please do not hesitate to come and speak to us. 

Week Beginning 12/06/2023

PSHE - To explore friendships

This week in PSHE we were looking at what makes a good friend and reflecting on how we can be kinder to each other. 


Week Beginning 05/06/2023

History - Kings and Queens

This week in History the children have been exploring what the word 'Monarch' means and their role. We explored who our current is and what their duties are. The children even learnt the word 'abdicate'!

Week Beginning 22/05/2023

PSHE - Exploring self praise!

In PSHE this week the children have been looking at what makes them incredible! We have been highlighting how we are all different but we are all amazing.


Week Beginning 15/05/2023

English - Independent Writing

This week we finished off our story 'The Comet'. We gave the children complete independence to finish off their stories. We focussed on the 'noticing' lense, the 'feelings' lense and the 'action' lense. See if you can spot these in Amelie's writing!

Week Beginning 01/05/2023

Art - Printing a repeated pattern

The children have continued their learning in printing in their art lessons. Today we looked at the work of Andy Warhol. The children used bright coloured pastels to create their own repeated print!

Week Beginning 24/04/2023

Science - Measuring/Asking simple questions

This week we posed the question to the children -

'If you have big feet, do you need large gloves?'

Before we started our investigation, we predicted what would be the answer to our question. We then worked in partners to draw around our hands and feet and we measured using rulers and cubes. 

Ask us what the outcome of our investigation was!

Week Beginning 17/04/2023

Art - Printing

The children have started their printing unit this week where we used objects around the room to create a printed picture. The children loved exploring with the marks they could make using the various objects given to them!

Week Beginning 13/03/2023

Maths - Measuring Using Objects

In Maths this week the children have been measuring using objects. We looked at how to measure accurately and we compared the length and height of objects from around the classroom. There was some excellent mathematical language happening!

Week Beginning 6/03/2023 Staying Healthy

Still image for this video
The children made a 'Keeping Healthy Sum' where they showed use through movement what they needed to do to stay healthy!

World Book Day!

Thursday 2nd March 2023

The children had a fantastic time on World Book Day in their pyjamas! They spent the morning with their book buddies, listening to the Elmer story and creating a collage. 

Week Beginning 23/01/2023

Music - Creating Rhyming Lyrics

In music this week the children created rhyming lyrics in the song 'Down By the Bay'. Please enjoy a video of them singing a final performance!


Still image for this video

Week Beginning 16/01/2023

Art - Mixing Colours

This week in Art we took the artwork of Alfred Wallis, cut it up and gave everyone a section to paint. The children used paint to mix different colours to get the colours they needed. The children did so well focusing on their sections!


Week Beginning 09/01/2023

Science - Planting Seeds!

In our Science topic this term we are exploring plants. In this lesson we explored seeds and bulbs and what they grow in to. The children worked on independence from their 'skills for life' and planted their own seeds. We will see how they grow over the next few weeks!

Week Beginning 04/01/2023

Maths - knowing and making 10!

The children showed off their fantastic knowledge of place value by making 10 in different ways. We used numicon and some children made part, part, whole models. We were so impressed with their knowledge!

Week Beginning 12/12/2022

We would like to thank the PTFA for arranging an amazing surprise for the children. The children enjoyed a visit from Keven and Dorris the reindeer and their VIP passenger, Santa. 

It was a wonderful experience for them!

Week Beginning 14/11/2022

Quidditch Enrichment Day

The children really enjoyed their Quidditch day in the hall! They were grouped into Hogwarts houses and they had to chase the Golden Snitch (Our very own Mr Gardner!). The children had a fantastic day. THREE CHEERS for Gryffindor who won the competition on the day. 

Emma Jane's Aeroplane

Week Beginning 07/11/2022

English - Sequencing

This week the children read the book 'Emma Jane's Aeroplane' and sequenced the events. We were so impressed with the cutting skills and how much the children had remembered before sticking in their order. 


If you want to share the book again, see the video above!

Week Beginning 31/10/2022

Music - Keeping tempo

This week in music we listened to the piece of music 'Colonel Hathi's March', as found in 'The Jungle Book'. We pretended to be elephants and marched around the room, keeping up the tempo! The kids loved it - we did it multiple times!

Colonel Hathi's March - John Williams, Arr. Laurent Pierre

Forward to 2 minutes 23 seconds to see the song that we listened to!

Week Beginning 17/10/2022

Pumpkin Carving!

Thank you to the PTFA for our pumpkins and carving kits. We really enjoyed getting messy!

Week Beginning 10/10/2022

Dyslexia Awareness


For Dyslexia awareness week the children watched a fantastic animation all about what Dyslexia is and created posters and a t-shirt to raise awareness! We were very proud of what the children achieved and their understanding towards others who may need to learn differently.

Week Beginning 03/10/2022

Maths - Great than, Less than, equal to


The children have been working really hard this week on their maths, which has been quite tricky! They used the greater than and less than symbol to compare numbers and objects. We used practical resources this lesson as it really helped the children with their understanding. 


Week Beginning 26/09/2022

Attendance Cup!


Well done Cedar Class! We won the attendance cup twice in a row - keep it up!

Week Beginning 19/09/2022

The Magical Yet!

The children have completed some fantastic writing, using full sentences on the theme of our book 'The Magical Yet!'. 

We spoke about things we could do not do yet or that we need help with. See some of their fantastic writing below. 

Week Beginning 12/09/2022


During our music sessions we have been exploring the beat of music and timing. We started off our topic using the 'menu song' and a clip from the musical 'Oliver!'. The children absolutely loved sharing this song together and we have watched the clip together as a class a few times. Here it is incase you want to share it at home too.

Oliver! (The Musical) (1968) Food Glorious Food

Oliver! (The Musical) (1968)

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