Our curriculum captures all that we do at Kempsey Primary School, from the character traits we aim to instill in the children, the clubs and community links we make, to the academic curriculum which provides them with the foundations for the next steps in their learning. It is an evolving curriculum, which is constantly being reviewed, refined and up-dated.
This year we are working with other schools in the Hanley and Upton Educational Trust to share practice and ensure consistency across the schools. Additionally, we are working with subject leaders from Key Stage 3 to see how we can ensure consistency between the primary and secondary phases.
At Kempsey, we use the National Curriculum as our starting point for curriculum planning., but it by no means the limit of what we offer. This year, we are using the focus of 'community' to guide the structure and focus of our work. We want the children to gain a secure sense of who they are, where they are from and how they relate to their community locally, nationally and globally. Where ever possible we hope to relate our learning back to this theme.
Further, we have developed six key character traits and skills for life that we, through our curriculum offer, endeavour to instill in our children. More details of these can be found below.
At Kempsey Primary School all class teachers are responsible for providing a curriculum that is suitable for all pupils in the class, including those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) with support from the SENCo. We have high expectations and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Additional information on this can be found in our Special Educational Needs Information Report and Equalities Policy.
If you have any further questions about our curriculum, please contact David Willetts (Deputy Head Teacher) through the school office:
Please note, we are currently undergoing significant developments with our curriculum and the following information is subject to change.
Kempsey 'Character Traits'
To encourage children become more explicitly aware of the character traits that will provide the support and building blocks for the next steps in their lives and learning. To help them reflect on who they are, how they relate to others and to furnish them with the skills to make the best of the opportunities that come their way.
A whole school approach (but not exclusively) through:
- Consistent visual images and language
- Assemblies
- PSHE (JIGSAW) sessions
- Visitors sharing lived experiences
- Explicit reference in planning and teaching
- Links made where possible in all subjects.
- Use of associated language in awards and reports
The children have the building blocks they need to be successful in the next steps of their life and learning. They are able to identify and apply different skills and reflect on themselves as people and learners.
Kempsey Primary School Character Traits
More detail about Character Traits can be found here
Curriculum reports to Governors
Curriculum Coverage at KPS (subject to change)
Curriculum enrichment
At Kempsey we believe in providing rich opportunities for learning both in and out of the classroom. Our curriculum is broader than just the National Curriculum. Through careful topic planning, we aim to bring the curriculum to life with meaningful learning experiences. Examples of enrichment across the school include:
Whole school topic stimuli
Topic launch days
Topic enrichment homework activities
External speakers
Visits to places of worship
Clubs- a range from sports to crafts!
Theatre trips
Museum trips
School Parliament
Bell-boating regatta
Residential trips
Class assemblies
Further examples of curriculum enrichment, but by no means an exhaustive list, can be found below.