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Kempsey Primary School

To learn with respect and belief; to challenge, create and dream!

Academy Standards Committee (Governors)

Welcome to our Academy Standards Committee (Local Governing Body) section


Kempsey Primary School became an Academy on the 1 April 2017, forming a Multi Academy Trust along with Hanley Castle High School and Hanley Swan, St Gabriel’s with St. Mary’s C of E Primary School in the Hanley and Upton Educational Trust (HUET).


As a Multi Academy Trust, the Articles of Association allows the Local Governing Body to consist of up to three Parent Governors, three Staff Governors (including the Headteacher), and up to 5 Appointed Governors.





Kempsey Primary School is part of the Hanley and Upton Educational Trust (HUET).  The Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees who delegate some of their functions for the school to the local Academy Standards Committee (formerly known as Local Governing Body). 


The ASC plays a vital role in ensuring the overall success of our school.  They provide strategic oversight and hold the Head Teacher and Leadership Team accountable for the school’s performance, ensuring that the highest standards of education are maintained.  Specifically, the ASC is responsible for:


  • Supporting, monitoring and challenging senior leaders in relation to the school’s educational and financial performance
  • Agreeing the school’s improvement plan and monitoring its progress
  • Monitoring the risks to the school
  • Ensuring statutory policies are in place and being adhered to
  • Having regard to the voices of the school’s stakeholders, especially of pupils, parents and staff


Our ASC is comprised of individuals from various professional backgrounds who bring a wealth of expertise and experience, contributing to the school’s continuous development.



"I have been a co-opted governor at  KPS since 2022 and was recently elected as Chair of the ASC in October 2024.  I moved to Kempsey three years ago with my husband, Paul, and our son who is currently in Year 2 at KPS.  I can often be found at the side of a football pitch or walking our dog.  I have been a teacher in Worcestershire for the past 22 years, and currently teach in Redditch, where I take a lead in Pastoral, Safeguarding and Well being.  I have a good insight into education and a passion for getting the best for our children.  Over the last three years as a member of the ASC, I have enjoyed getting to know the school and the staff, meeting the children and seeing their successes, as well as watching their performances and their engagement in the classroom."


If you wish to contact Becky, you may do so via her KPS email,

The governors of Kempsey Primary School are immensely proud of the pupils and are committed to supporting and challenging the headteacher and staff to ensure that the children are given the understanding and abilities to live life in the 21st Century as they grow up.

Academy Standards Minutes of meetings are available on request

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